Pass this one on to the next people as well as yourself if you are having problems with your weight and take if from me you do not have to go on a diet. Cut back on fatty foods and fast food restaurants and that will change for you over time. For me I have been struggling with my weight even while being in the military and on long deployments and the weight would always follow me. Then after leaving the military and getting an office job working all sorts of hours did not help one bit while I looked at weight getting up to 250 pounds and growing every day. Then when I retired I found myself being very busy all of the time working on different projects around the house and being an Amazon/EBAY seller and hunting down bargains to resell and not really thinking about eating and I started walking to keep from laying on the couch from falling asleep, I then took up walking on the tread mill at least two to three times a day plus I have an American Bull Dog who loves to walk and all of a sudden that became the way of life for me is doing a lot of walking without even thinking about it. Of course, I did a lot of walking while I was working and never lost any weight no matter how many times I would walk up and down the hallways while on my breaks nothing was happening for me. Even while I first started doing so after leaving work for good. Then over the course of me walking every day and not thinking about what I was doing for myself I began to start feeling good about myself and continuing to walk without the thought of losing any weight in do so and all of a sudden the weight started pouring off me and the more I dropped the weight the better I felt and the more weight I lost. Then one morning I sat a goal to get down to my idea weight for my age and height of 189 pounds and at the time I was weighing in at 220-230 pounds and I would weigh myself every Saturday morning right after getting out of bed along with checking my blood pressure and glucose level everything was getting better with improvements each week. Then as you know you will hit that point where your weight seem like nothing is happening and then one week from the above numbers to now I am weighting in at 194.4 pounds which mean I still have 5.4 pounds to get to my idea weight and I have not changed any of my eating habit or trying to lose it and is letting it happen naturally. Long story short, start doing what you like doing that will bring healthy changes to your health and cutting out the fatty foods you too will start to see changes in your health and by doing that you will notice bad habit will began to move out of your life along with dieting. Here to your health.