From my recollection coming into the military at the age of 20 years of age they did a background investigation on my pass history of behavior and the same was done when being put in for my secret clearance and if anything was found in my record that would denied me of getting in the military and getting a secret clearance no matter what my age would have been if they found something in my records to prevent me from being qualified from either of these events would have been used against me and I would not have gotten them. Why should this be any difference having this man placed in a permanent position for thirty years or more should be put through this procedure? Why should I believe Mrs. Ford testimony that he did what she is claiming that he and another person did to her while in high school? My thoughts on that is what you did when you were young and at an age of knowing right from wrong should and will be used against you later in your adult life for life and it should be because of that is the norm for everyone and we should not let any one else abuse this right. They used it against me why not him-Kavanaugh? Beside the information that I keep hearing about him that he was a heavy drinker an that age and I really do not know anything about his financial situation and the status of his parent and at the same time it appears to me that he thought that he was untouchable and he would move up through the food chain without any problem and no worries about what he had done to others while moving up that food chain. I am speaking from experience knowing people just like he was with them making it to the top and their attitudes toward others gotten even worst as they got higher in their professions thinking they were unstoppable until someone pulled the plug and placed them in the spot light allowing us to know what they had done to others in getting where they are at today. What Ford is doing I commend her on it and just by listening to part of her events of what happen I believe just by reading her facial expressions and seeing her pains what she endured doing that event. What make it even more convincing for me is when she said that the reason she did not pursue reporting him to the authority is when she stated that he did not get the chance to rape her that she was happy and thankful for that and she knew people would not more than likely believe her anyway speak loudly for me because I not in that type of situation and others with the outcome in my favor I thought that it would be best just to let it go without reporting event whatever that may have been at the time. What she in my opinion now is doing is pointing out to our system that you are getting ready to place a person of authority in a position and later may not be the best candidate for the position and for our system to vote wisely and not throwing just anyone in that position just because the President think he is more qualified to do the job which we now are seeing the President himself was a mistake of being in his position. Put the vote in the hands of the people and leave politic out of the equation. That is my point of view what is yours? There are no right or wrong answer just your opinion and everyone have the right to their opinions.